Blog Archives

Gears are slowly moving forward again.

Hey everyone,

Just a quick site and project update. Site wise I’m thinking about switching up the layout and getting a newsletter actually going, right now the collection process is somewhat manual still, and I’ve been learning lots of coding at my day job so I might be able to automate all that sometime in the future so I can actually start the newsletter and keep up with it. Lack of ability to keep up with it is why it’s never started yet, and I do apologize for that.

Project wise my first update is: I’ve started seeking out interest for getting some new cover art for The Sage of Hytrae trilogy again. My artistic abilities are not great, and even trying to get AI to fancy up my “doodles” turns into spaghetti so finding an artist interested in doing some commission work seems to be the right call still. I’ve not settled on anyone yet, and am still looking around, my hope is to at minimum get one new cover art this year, if not all three.

The new series in Hytrae has been getting new writing done in it this year, just not as regularly as I’d like. I’ve been doing more depth building work in the background as well as writing chapters in the first book. I’m hoping the results will be richer stories, deeper characters (and locations), and marginally longer page counts for each book in the new series.

I know this is taking forever, I doubt this annoys anyone more than it annoys me. If I started blocking time off the way I did for the first trilogy I’d get it written quickly, but I’m trying to balance more in life these days than I was then. If I can find an artist to work with, that will help out the existing books get noticed, which in turn will put more pressure on me to finish the next projects. I work best under pressure and I’m only able to self apply pressure in short spurts. So while progress is happening it’s not as quick as I’d like. Hopefully the ball will get moving here soon and I’ll get you all a better update soon!

As always, may God bless you and keep you.

The 2021 update!

Hey everyone,

Yeah, it’s march and I’m just now getting to releasing an update about what I’m up to. Well better late than never 😉 so let’s begin!

First, The Crystal Seal turns 6 years old this month! That book is truly the groundwork for the entire trilogy, and is worth a read if you’ve never have picked it up. As a fun aside: Children are about 4 years into their education at this point in Hytrae. Those kids will likely start spending time with the trade of work their family is involved in, and learning that trade themselves.

Next on the train of news, I am officially ready to announce the next writing project which will begin releasing later this year! Now I have made a bad habit of promising new titles in the springtime, and failing to actually finish anything that year in the past. I would love to provide you all with proof that this time will be different, but I am not blessed (or cursed) with such visions of the future. I can, however, tell you the book title, series title (yes series!), and when I am hoping to get this next title out to you all.

The next series will be set in the familiar place of Hytrae (familiar if you’ve read The Sage of Hytrae trilogy, if not you really should 😉 anyway). The first book of this series is titled (tentively) The Vaults of Belin. Yes that’s right, we are cracking into the borders of the elusive, and restrictive region in Hytrae’s south eastern kingdom. We will be exploring it and more in this new series which is titled Hytrae: Visions of Darkness. At least those are the names I’m going with for now. I don’t like to put out names too far ahead of release, so you can expect the first title as early as September 2021!

Ok, you’ve read the juicy bit now, so feel free to skip me rambling here at the end haha. Just weighing in to current events, which I’m sure won’t make me more friends unless God wills it. But anyway, here we go:

I hope every one of you have had a tolerable year. It’s been about one year since the pandemic started effecting us here in the states. A crazy and scary ride for the whole world to be sure. Mostly what I see now is hope that the collective nightmare may soon be over. With this crisis waning I remember the one that predated it. One that still exists and plagues our news and every day lives. I am of course referring to the accusations and continuous pandering of race and gender equality.

Now before I ignite more unnecessary flames. I agree and disagree with everyone on the topics equally. I’m of the mindset that every view and mindset is wrong from someone else’s opinion out there. My opinion (which I’m sure some disagree with) is God created us all, he sent his son to die for us on a tree. He did so to save us all from ourselves, and our self destructiveness and rebellion (Sin). He is, was, and has always been against discrimination, God loves us all equally no exceptions.

Which I can say is why I have left races out of my books entirely. Yep, it’s a fantasy world, on another planet, with an entirely different species, so race is not a topic of my books at all. I leave most of such imagining to the reader’s mind to fill in the blanks. In fact, one promenant character in the first trilogy I gave so little physical discription of, I doubt I could release a drawing or image of said person without someone thinking it was completely wrong. Bonus points if you know which character I’m talking about.

Oh I do describe regions, religion, social status, occupation, nationality, and culture. All important things for world building. Anyway, I’m sure what I say can and will be used out of context at some point to fuel a fire of hatred. Just please know it is not my hatred, nor is it of God.

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you.

The Mentor

Week four of our series is here! This will be the last one, and next week we will be tying up archetypes in general.

The Mentor is probably the single most common archetype in my opinion. No matter where your protagonist falls on the moral scale, they almost always need a little help learning the ropes before they achieve their goals.

You’ve heard the saying “When the student is ready the master appears” or something to that effect. While you can trace the wisdom/proverb to an origin point, proverbs are by nature true long before anyone utters them. So that is where our mentor archetype comes in.

In my first novel “The Crystal Seal” you can also find this displayed in Mistar appearing very early in Cyan’s journey. This is very common in Fantasy, and several other genres as well. But why is it so common? And why (in the Crystal seal) was Mistar at that inn at the precise moment Cyan was there?

The commonality of the mentor is a bit paradoxical if I’m being honest. A story needs flow, and characters need growth. A teacher, or mentor, is the easiest explanation we can accept. Why do they grow in knowledge, strength, status, etc? Because, they had instructions from someone else who knew how.

This is something we all have experienced ourselves. None of us have lived by ourselves, on an island with no contact to anyone, for our entire lives (I know because the wifi there is terrible). We had people teach us a fair bit of what we know and can do. And not all mentors are kind and well meaning. Even bullies, and villains can be mentors too. Oh sure we picked up some things on our own along the way, but a story without any mentor at all tends to enter the dangerous waters of bad story telling.

I’m not saying you HAVE to have a mentor figure take up valuable time that could be spent on awesome X or exciting Y, but you do need to have some sort of consistent and understandable method of gaining new knowledge or character growth. A mentor has already gained said knowledge and growth, and is able to lead the student towards the goal. This is why mentors make poor protagonists (normally, but of course there are exceptions) because there is little room for them to grow.

Now back to Mistar. Why was he in that inn anyway? How long was he staying there? Well the story gives us clues, such as how familiar people seem to be with him, and his tab on the inn is also somewhat covered, so you can guess longer than a night, less than a month? Foreign currency is hard to judge the value of, especially when it’s fictional. Anyway, the story also asserts he wanders, and Mistar himself states he does teach, albeit not often.

In most cases the reason a teacher is standing at the ready doesn’t matter too much. Even so, there should be a reason right? In “The Candescent Vessel” (book two of the trilogy), we get more clues and reason for Mistar being there. Why not tell the reader up front though? Well, if I’m honest, my favorite teacher’s are the ones you don’t fully understand. They don’t need extensive backstory to be effective, just enough to hint at previous growth to show they aren’t completely crazy. But being a little crazy allows the reader some wiggle room in imagining said backstory, which is always fun.

This time I used some examples out of my own books, hopefully that helps explain what a mentor’s role in the story is. They aren’t the protagonist (normally), they are a powerful tool to facilitate growth both in knowledge and understanding for the student and the reader.

So why is it that a teacher appears when the student is ready? Quite simply, it’s because the student is finally open and ready to be taught. There is almost always someone ready to teach, if only the student is open to the lesson. And in my in the case of Mistar with my trilogy? Well, you’ll just have to read and see for yourself.

Thanks again!

Hey Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who checked out my promotional book give-a-way. I hope everyone who decided to download it reads it and enjoys it. The price will remain at the lower entry of $0.99 (USD) for The Crystal Seal.

I hope to have some new project updates to post in the next month or so, please stay tuned!

Until next time, May God bless you and keep you.

The Crystal Seal is Free right now on Amazon!

Hey Everyone!

Just a reminder that Today the first installment of The Sage of Hytrae is Free! The Crystal Seal (ebook edition) can be purchased on and downloaded to any kindle, or device with a kindle app absolutely free!

This free promotion is to celebrate The Crystal Seal turning five years old this month! Find out how the adventure begins today!

Oh, and don’t forget to leave a review if you enjoyed the book. It really helps other people find it.

March Update

Hey Everyone!

This month The Crystal Seal turns 5 years old! It originally released on March 31st 2015, and kicked off The Sage of Hytrae Trilogy. As a celebration of this event The Crystal Seal ebook will be free from March 5th until the 9th. So if you haven’t had a chance please do give the first installment a read, for the best price Free!

In addition to that, you might have noticed all my currently published ebooks have dropped in price. You can now normally get The Crystal Seal for $0.99, and both The Candescent Vessel / The Sorcerer’s Gamble for $2.99. Paper backs for all books are still $9.99 sadly. This is due to printing and distribution costs.

I’m also looking into alternate forms of funding for publishing new books. I have been funding everything out of my own pocket and that causes some difficulty since my funds are limited fairly often. I will always be publishing to everyone that I can, and I won’t ask for additional pay walls for such things. So I’m not really sure what I can offer in this type of model besides maybe sneak peaks, polls, additional/alternative artworks, and possibly some form of dialog (like a discord server to ask questions and hang out?). Nothing is set in stone yet, and I am open for feedback.

Regardless, I am still hoping to get a new book written for this year. I have been quite busy so progress has been slow, so it will probably be a fall release at best again.

Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by and until next time.

May God bless you and Keep you,



Free Reads in July

Hey everyone!

I might not have a normal update this month, but I’ve got something better for everyone… Free books!

The entire Sage of Hytrae trilogy will be Free starting July 4th, and until July 8th. This marks the first time you can pick up the entire series for free since the series concluded late last year! This kind of deal won’t likely happen again so don’t miss out, links to each below.

The Crystal Seal:

The Candescent Vessel:

The Sorcerer’s Gamble:

Why would I give away literally every book I’ve written, so far, away for free you ask?

Well two reasons. First to hopefully gain some reviews. Without reviews on my books people don’t get them recommended to them, they don’t show up on anyone’s list of reads from amazon, and they don’t show up well on amazon search results. If I can get the books into a few thousand hands for free, my hope is at least 1% of them leave reviews. This helps me long term.

The second reason I am giving them away is to help promote summer reading. These books target a large age demographic. From late elementary to Jr high all the way up to your grandma, is an age you could enjoy these books. It is beneficial (especially in school) to read over the summer. It helps your grades at the beginning of the next school year plus keeps you entertained during down time through the summer.

A couple things people have told me in person about the book (which I wish had been left as reviews online haha):

“Easy to pick up, hard to put down” – Young adult

“I don’t normally read this sort of thing, but I honestly enjoyed it a lot” – somebody’s Grandma

So my hope is to get some copies out there one way or another. Don’t miss out to get the entire adventure for the best price out there… Free!

Please note, Only the kindle ebook’s are free during this time frame. It would be quite difficult to talk amazon into giving away paperbacks haha.

The Trilogy is complete!

Thank you Everyone!

For all the support over the years. The Sage of Hytrae Trilogy is now complete with the latest installment The Sorcerer’s Gamble (Available now at: I would like to thank everyone who has bought or downloaded any of the books over the years! You guys are the real MVPs and have allowed me to see that not only can I finish writing a book but people can enjoy them.


I plan to spend the month of December exploring different writing projects. As always I will update everyone here if and when I have updates on all my writing related ventures. So far it’s been a bit of a rocky year, but I am grateful for everyone sticking through it with me.

The Sorcerer’s Gamble is Available now!

Hey everyone!


The Sage of Hytae trilogy is complete! The Sorcerer’s Gamble is released on Kindle! (Print to follow very soon, just have to finish fixing some print errors today). To celebrate the release The Crystal Seal (book one in the trilogy)is free for the next four days! On top of that The Candesent Vessel is on a count down sale for a week, if you pick it up today you can get it for only 99cents! Those are of course the kindle editions of the books, but still pretty sweet deal.


The Sorcerer’s Gamble is $4.99! (not 5.99 like my other ebooks were their first year so price break there 😀 ). Thank you all for your patience in waiting for the release to finally happen. I hope everyone enjoys the completed series and if at all possible leaves some amazon reviews, and tell your friends (Advertising is expensive and hasn’t been kind to me so far ha ha).



Until next time (when the physical book is actually available I hope). Have a great day!

It’s Release day!

Hey Everyone!


Today marks the day that The Sage of Hytrae Trilogy is finally complete! Well it would be if Amazon would actually let me release it. It exited review today (which means I should have been able to launch it). But unfortunately since I updated one field (added more keywords >.>) it has to be “reviewed” again… They were able to get this turned around in 48hours last time so hopefully this time will be quicker. Anyway, watch this space for further details. I will be continuing to fight their Kindle filters (hopefully I can get at least one version actually released today).  I did not have nearly as many issues when it was createspace and not just amazon, oh well.


Talk to you all again real soon.