Blog Archives

The 2021 update!

Hey everyone,

Yeah, it’s march and I’m just now getting to releasing an update about what I’m up to. Well better late than never 😉 so let’s begin!

First, The Crystal Seal turns 6 years old this month! That book is truly the groundwork for the entire trilogy, and is worth a read if you’ve never have picked it up. As a fun aside: Children are about 4 years into their education at this point in Hytrae. Those kids will likely start spending time with the trade of work their family is involved in, and learning that trade themselves.

Next on the train of news, I am officially ready to announce the next writing project which will begin releasing later this year! Now I have made a bad habit of promising new titles in the springtime, and failing to actually finish anything that year in the past. I would love to provide you all with proof that this time will be different, but I am not blessed (or cursed) with such visions of the future. I can, however, tell you the book title, series title (yes series!), and when I am hoping to get this next title out to you all.

The next series will be set in the familiar place of Hytrae (familiar if you’ve read The Sage of Hytrae trilogy, if not you really should 😉 anyway). The first book of this series is titled (tentively) The Vaults of Belin. Yes that’s right, we are cracking into the borders of the elusive, and restrictive region in Hytrae’s south eastern kingdom. We will be exploring it and more in this new series which is titled Hytrae: Visions of Darkness. At least those are the names I’m going with for now. I don’t like to put out names too far ahead of release, so you can expect the first title as early as September 2021!

Ok, you’ve read the juicy bit now, so feel free to skip me rambling here at the end haha. Just weighing in to current events, which I’m sure won’t make me more friends unless God wills it. But anyway, here we go:

I hope every one of you have had a tolerable year. It’s been about one year since the pandemic started effecting us here in the states. A crazy and scary ride for the whole world to be sure. Mostly what I see now is hope that the collective nightmare may soon be over. With this crisis waning I remember the one that predated it. One that still exists and plagues our news and every day lives. I am of course referring to the accusations and continuous pandering of race and gender equality.

Now before I ignite more unnecessary flames. I agree and disagree with everyone on the topics equally. I’m of the mindset that every view and mindset is wrong from someone else’s opinion out there. My opinion (which I’m sure some disagree with) is God created us all, he sent his son to die for us on a tree. He did so to save us all from ourselves, and our self destructiveness and rebellion (Sin). He is, was, and has always been against discrimination, God loves us all equally no exceptions.

Which I can say is why I have left races out of my books entirely. Yep, it’s a fantasy world, on another planet, with an entirely different species, so race is not a topic of my books at all. I leave most of such imagining to the reader’s mind to fill in the blanks. In fact, one promenant character in the first trilogy I gave so little physical discription of, I doubt I could release a drawing or image of said person without someone thinking it was completely wrong. Bonus points if you know which character I’m talking about.

Oh I do describe regions, religion, social status, occupation, nationality, and culture. All important things for world building. Anyway, I’m sure what I say can and will be used out of context at some point to fuel a fire of hatred. Just please know it is not my hatred, nor is it of God.

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you.

Update for December…

Hey Everyone,


Sorry that I have been absent the past two months. Lots of reasons, mostly battling some mental blocks. Not writers block, but motivation issues, I could use taking some of my own advice there for sure. Mental health is so difficult to manage at times.


Anyway, I’m hoping to get the newsletter up and going soon, but something has caused me to not do it yet. The Original forums has been attacked by bots, I know due to repeat entries, added messages, not using anything close to a name in the name field, and such. I’ve added a drop down menu that you have to change, so I’m resetting the list so if you have signed up before please do so again. Of course, If you gave me your email in person via an event, then I still have your email and you do not have to resubmit.


Writing has slowed down, I’ve been doing some creative writing but nothing that could be published (more fun fan-fiction type stuff, nothing adult though, sheesh). I hope to pick up again soon with a few different ideas, mostly the title I’ve announced I’m working on already, and some Hytrae related stories and structure. I hopefully can get some more info out soon to everyone.


I do have plans of making my way to a con of some kind early next year. No decisions have been made on which one, and I am still looking around. If anyone has some suggestions please leave a comment down below. Doesn’t have to be a place to setup a booth or something at, just something related to the scifi/fantasy genre in some way. comic/game/anime doesn’t much matter to me, I haven’t been to a proper convention in several years and really need to get back into them.


I’m afraid that’s all the updates I have today, hopefully I can get my tail in gear and start the weekly blogs back up in some capacity.


Until next time, may God bless you and keep you.

August Update and Announcements!

Hey everyone!

So good news, I will be setting up a booth at the local street fair in Peebles Ohio once again! The festival is called Old timers days, and takes place Sept. 12th through the 15th this year. This is only the second time for me to setup a booth at OTD and I will be available to both sign physical books, and will have a supply of paperbacks you can buy there as well.

I am hoping to have some related merchandise of some kind to sell/give out at the festival as well. More details on those once I have them more solidified. At the very least I will have a new set of bookmarks to give out to anyone who wants them (maybe this time without the typos the first set I gave out had haha).

Also quick update on the newest novel. As the book has begun to really take shape I’ve been wondering if I am ready to really move it forward much more. I probably shared information on the book too soon, luckily I was also somewhat vague. I have been running into major issues with flow, and structure for the novel and have realized that to tell this story well I’ll have to rewrite everything I have written so far… This is frustrating, and I do apologize sincerely about not getting this story out there this summer.

This delay will probably push that book out a ways too, because I have been making plans for next year’s 5 year anniversary of The Sage of Hytrae Book 1 (The Crystal Seal) being released. More news on that as well at a later date, but you can expect some new writing in that world as a mininum from me. What form the new stories will take is still being worked on, I wouldn’t expect a new Novel, nothing quite that extensive to announce haha.

I feel the weekly blog posts have been going well, so those aren’t going anywhere so no worries there, the next one should be wrapping up the basics of writing series sometime next week.

I would also like to thank everyone again who snagged my trilogy for free back during the first week in July this year. Please if you have had a chance to read them by now drop a review on amazon, it really helps (that goes double if you enjoyed the books haha).

I think that’s all I have to share today. I’ll keep everyone posted if I am able to cook up some extra Sage of Hytrae goodies, or really anything of the sort. With only a month left to really get things ordered I have to be moving quick, so stay tuned.

Until next time, and don’t feed the Jacobs!


Monthly update time!

Hey everyone!

I’m happy to say that progress is being made on the newest book, as well as the new banner for the site!

I have a bit of editing to do on the banner, but it should be live in the next week or two. (Update: Its up now haha)

As for the current book in progress; some new scheduling of my time should get progress going more consistently on all my writing projects! So look forward to some new details in the coming weeks and months as it begins to really take shape!

Last month we looked at creativity in a number of blog posts. This month the plan is to cover two or three new topics. One of which will be: Disappointment is always a good thing. An odd statement I know, don’t worry we’ll look more into it soon.

That’s all the news I’ve got for now. So until next time, and remember don’t feed the Jacobs

Next official book information!

Hey everyone!

I have been giving my next project a lot of thought this month. Among my ideas were some projects I started back in December of last year (and some even older than that). It has not been easy to choose which project to work on next. Despite this difficulty I have decided a plan of action, and I do have some details to share!

I’m happy to announce that the next book I am working on will be an all new tale with a pleasant mix of Science Fiction, and Fantasy. An exhilarating story that mixes science and magic, in ways that might challenge the way you look at the two. This stand alone Novel will place you, the reader, into the story and whisk you away on a journey that will be hard to forget!

You might be thinking: Hey, The Sage of Hytrae trilogy had some Science fiction elements in it too, what makes this different? I would say that trilogy focused more on the fantasy side of the story, but don’t worry we’ll be getting back to Hytrae eventually.

So what other details can I share? Well, I obviously don’t have a release date, I haven’t been writing this one very long after all. But I can tell you that my plan is for this book to be out by the end of summer (if all goes according to plan that is). I’m excited to share more as it develops over the next couple months!

I’m hoping to get the website updates, banner, artwork, etc. done this month as well so hopefully we’ll have something a little more fitting for a multi series/genre/novel author blog page.

Until next time, and don’t feed the Jacobs!

The Sorcerer’s Gamble is now in Paperback!

Hey everyone!


The Sorcerer’s Gamble is finally able to be ordered as a physical copy! These copies are priced at $9.99 and are available now on amazon.

The Crystal Seal is free (as an ebook) until tomorrow so this could be your last chance to grab the digital copy for free!

Thank you to everyone who has already checked out The Sorcerer’s Gamble, and I hope everyone is as excited as I am that the paperback is out now as well!


The Sorcerer’s Gamble is Available now!

Hey everyone!


The Sage of Hytae trilogy is complete! The Sorcerer’s Gamble is released on Kindle! (Print to follow very soon, just have to finish fixing some print errors today). To celebrate the release The Crystal Seal (book one in the trilogy)is free for the next four days! On top of that The Candesent Vessel is on a count down sale for a week, if you pick it up today you can get it for only 99cents! Those are of course the kindle editions of the books, but still pretty sweet deal.


The Sorcerer’s Gamble is $4.99! (not 5.99 like my other ebooks were their first year so price break there 😀 ). Thank you all for your patience in waiting for the release to finally happen. I hope everyone enjoys the completed series and if at all possible leaves some amazon reviews, and tell your friends (Advertising is expensive and hasn’t been kind to me so far ha ha).



Until next time (when the physical book is actually available I hope). Have a great day!

The Sorcerer’s Gamble Cover Art

Hey Everyone!

I finally uploaded the cover art 😀

You can take a look by clicking the link (it’s in pdf format so WordPress wont imbed it).

Cover art for Sorcerer’s Gamble

Don’t forget, the conclusion to The Sage of Hytrae Trilogy releases Next Week!


Sorcerer’s Gamble Update

Hey guys,


I’m afraid I don’t have book cover art to upload with me tonight (I just simply don’t have that PC with me) but I wanted to give a quick update.

I have been able to eliminate all but one pesky formatting issue for the printed book (and the one that is left I have no idea how to fix, and if I cannot fix I can live with it). So all is good to be releasing on schedule next week (wow it’s coming up fast on me). If I can remember to either send my phone the images or get on my home PC to post there I will get the artwork up for everyone to see soon.

Anyway, I just felt like I should drop a quick note (I am not letting my launch date slip a third time). So, see you guys soon!